By default, the 6to4 tunneling protocol is enabled in Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 or later versions when an interface is assigned a public IPv4 address (that is, an IPv4 address that is not in the ranges,, or 6to4 automatically assigns an IPv6 address to the 6to4 tunneling interface for each such

IPv6: Five Things You Should Know | PCWorld Jun 06, 2012 Solved: IPv6 Unicast Address - Cisco Community A link-local unicast address has the prefix fe80::/10 in standard IPv6 addressing scehme and following are the cases with meaning of address used. 2001:db8::/32 This is a documentation prefix allowed in the IPv6. All the examples of IPv6 addresses should ideally use this prefix to indicate that it is an example. Router's IPv6 Address On WAN Not Available - NETGEAR ‎2020-04-04 08:54 AM ‎2020-04-04 08:54 AM. Router's IPv6 Address On WAN Not Available Hello, I'm a super Noob. I dont know much and I'm having so much trouble trying to get my router set up properly. I've followed all the advice i could possibly find on the internet. Home devices are all connected. one of my many issues is I cant config

Dec 09, 2013

Test your IPv6. This will test your browser and connection for IPv6 readiness, as well as show you your current IPv4 and IPv6 address. IPv6 test - IPv6/4 connectivity and speed test

Dec 13, 2018

How is ipv6 lately? - Charter Spectrum | DSLReports Forums Mar 03, 2019 Conversion from IPv6 to Ipv4 Dec 09, 2013 Network Basics: Assigning IPv6 Addresses - dummies